Flower Vase

Monday, October 27, 2008

New Christmas Ornaments

For the Sun Gallery Holiday event I am starting a new fused glass Christmas series. I am making Christmas tree decorations. They are 4" rounds in a variety of colors. So far I have 3 styles. The first ones are called "Crazy Wavies" and "All Cracked Up". Then I have designed a third style incorporating metallic colors which is still unnamed. The rounds are either flat or slightly curved and all come ready to hang. One or two of these hand painted decorations will look terrific on your Christmas tree this year.

If you have an off beat suggestion for a name for my metallic series let me know. If I use the name I will send you one of the tree ornaments in your choice of metallic, silver, gold, or bronze.

The studio is a bit cold this morning. Hard to believe a room with a kiln can get cold, but I found out a good kiln does not lose much heat. So my little space heater does the job as needed.

In a few more minutes my nimble fingers can work in warm comfort as I add embellishments and hangers to my new creations.

I will include some photos soon.

Showcase Cancelled

I got some disappointing news last week. The Los Altos Showcase was cancelled due to a lack of vendors. As with any event there are optimum numbers you need and they did not have enough artist sign up.

Friday, October 10, 2008

New uses for Catering Supplies

Today, I was organizing and pricing my catering supplies for a garage sale. I have wanted to make more space for my fusing supplies in the garage cabinets. No big surprises, been planning to do this for months. As I am prodding along I came across some school style lunch trays, orange, enough said. I got a bright idea. I can use them in the studio to stack glass projects awaiting firings or the finishing touches. Then I started on the steam tray pan inserts. Good quality stainless steel. Maybe I can get 10 bucks. Wow, what a great mold for a large bowl. A stainless steel mold runs in the $80 plus range. So, today, I saved myself a bunch of bucks. Bad news is they are still in my place, but at least they will be used instead of collecting dust in the garage. Later, I came across 3 new boxes of a butter sprayer. Worked great for large cooking jobs. I decide to see if they would work to spray on kiln wash. It even has a brush attachment. Off to the studio, pour in kiln wash, spray on a shelf or my molds. It worked! Now I have a nifty unorthodox spray bottle. Who would figure that my last career would transfer to my new one.
