Flower Vase

Friday, October 10, 2008

New uses for Catering Supplies

Today, I was organizing and pricing my catering supplies for a garage sale. I have wanted to make more space for my fusing supplies in the garage cabinets. No big surprises, been planning to do this for months. As I am prodding along I came across some school style lunch trays, orange, enough said. I got a bright idea. I can use them in the studio to stack glass projects awaiting firings or the finishing touches. Then I started on the steam tray pan inserts. Good quality stainless steel. Maybe I can get 10 bucks. Wow, what a great mold for a large bowl. A stainless steel mold runs in the $80 plus range. So, today, I saved myself a bunch of bucks. Bad news is they are still in my place, but at least they will be used instead of collecting dust in the garage. Later, I came across 3 new boxes of a butter sprayer. Worked great for large cooking jobs. I decide to see if they would work to spray on kiln wash. It even has a brush attachment. Off to the studio, pour in kiln wash, spray on a shelf or my molds. It worked! Now I have a nifty unorthodox spray bottle. Who would figure that my last career would transfer to my new one.

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