Flower Vase

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Inspiration Explored

I am thinking that I will include an inspiring photograph from my road trip to Canada to each new blog for a while. And as I finish my future glass pieces I will add them too.

We rarely know where our ideas come from as we toil away in our studios, yards, dining rooms, wherever we pick up our tools of choice. All that matters is the doing and hopefully the completion. But, as we are aware, sometimes life gets in the way and we move away from what we love to do. I wrote in my last post that I have been away from anything related to fused glass and tools and shows. It has been almost eight months.

We planed to visit Canada and Banff in particular 8 or 9 years ago. Instead we went to New Orleans. That switch is too long a story to get into at this time. Let's just say this trip was long over due. And today very much appreciated. The benefits extended far beyond the rest and relaxation we needed. The escape was the first sensation that hit me. Then as we traveled along the landscape became the focus. Every mile held more surprises and unexpected beauty. I have never been a camera junky, but I wanted to capture every vista, mountain, sky and river I saw. I took 100's of photos expecting to only find a fraction worth keeping. I was wrong. My shoot and point took better photos than I expected, the downloads at the end of the day captured that day beautifully and they were as good as Eric's photos taken on a digital single reflex. We both have more photo memories than expected.

Every day I found myself comparing the colors and textures I saw in nature to the types of glass I use and many that I have not used. I started to see myself gathering glass and recreating the images of this trip. I don't know what my end results will be and I don't care. I just want to explore with what I have and use my memories and photographs as my guide. Never having worked this way in itself is another inspiration.

As you follow my blog, if you are an artist I hope that perhaps some of my post and photographs can inspire and or motivate you too. Remember an artist is more than one who uses art materials. Every time you plan your garden and set out your plants, or decide it is time to redo the living room with paint and new cushions, you are using your creativity and artistic skills.

More on exploring our inner artist later.

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